About Therapy

Therapy is a means for receiving the support you need. We have created a FAQ sheet for some of the most common questions about therapy, including what it entails, and what forms of therapy are offered. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rigorous scientific methods and evaluation are being applied to the field of psychotherapy, and are establishing the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapies, as well as family systems therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. In short, yes, psychotherapy, when provided by an experienced and competent psychotherapist is very effective in helping people function better in their daily lives.

Usually therapists meet with their clients at least once a week. If the client’s concerns or their level of distress is intense, sessions may occur more often. Meeting less than once a week is not recommended in the beginning stages of psychotherapy. Meeting at least once a week helps to establish momentum and to create a strong therapeutic alliance. As therapy progresses, sessions may occur less often.

Marriage and Family Therapists are mental health professionals with graduate training (a Master’s or Doctoral degree) in marriage and family therapy and at least two years of clinical experience. Marriage and family therapists are recognized as a “core” mental health profession, along with psychiatry, psychology, social work and psychiatric nursing. They are trained in psychotherapy and family systems, and licensed to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage, couples and family systems.

Choose a therapist who has experience in treating your particular concerns. A therapist should be licensed by the state to provide psychotherapy. You should feel comfortable talking with the therapist and comfortable being in their office. Usually one face to face meeting will help you decide if you think you would be able to develop a good relationship with a particular therapist.

Insurance companies require the therapist to provide personal information about the client as well as a psychiatric diagnosis in order to warrant the payment of claims. Once a claim is filed, neither the therapist nor the patient has any control over the personal information submitted to the insurance company. I am not currently on any insurance panels, but you may be able to recoup some of the costs of therapy by using your out-of-network benefits.

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